Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Molecular Sieves- A perfect moisture absorption solutions!

Molecular sieves offer ultimate moisture absorption solutions, with a highly intricate and uniform network of pores. There is a constant need to adsorb gases and liquids, this makes this especially preferable in the industrial sector. Featuring innumerable empty cavities, which is what endows it with the highest adsorption capacity in comparison with other desiccants, these adsorbents are a synthetically manufactured form of Zeolite. However, one of the most expensive adsorbents available today is this very quality.
Such as calcium alumina silicate or sodium potassium, this desiccant is derived from substances. For industrial use, most manufacturers offer standard pre-packaged molecular sieves. However, these can be availed too, if you need customized solutions. The film reel is also stored in filmcan. For this you would need, to enlist the services of a reputable desiccant manufacturing firm. Just like silica gel, but they bear a pinkish tinge, this particular desiccant also comes in the form of granular beads. These desiccants are some other notable features are as follows:
  •   To give you an optimal adsorption solution, they can either be used individually or custom blended with some other desiccants.
  •  Different adsorption capacities can be seen in different desiccants. You can expect it to absorb moisture or gas up to 20 times its own weight, in the case of a molecular sieve.
  •   It costs significantly more than its other counterparts, since it is one of the most aggressive desiccants available in the market today.
  • There couldn't be better option than this particular desiccant, where tight humidity control is needed. To protect invaluable artwork from the adverse effects of moisture and humidity, that's precisely why it's used in places such as museums. To bring down the relative humidity to as low as 10%, the right use of this desiccant can allow you.
  •   Especially during the transportation and warehousing stages of the distribution cycle, a number of pharmaceutical companies make use of molecular sieve to protect packaged drugs and antibiotics from humidity.
  • Determined by its pore size, the efficacy and suitability of this desiccant. In Angstroms, these pore sizes are measured. 3A, 4A, 5A, 8A and 10A are the common pore sizes.
So, there are several industrial applications in which this desiccant is widely used, right from protecting expensive artwork to pre-purification of water to absorbing carbon dioxide. It can also be used with pharmaceutical products, since this desiccant is odourless. In addition, molecular sieves are very suitable for use in high temperature applications, with a melting point that is slightly less than 2900 degrees Fahrenheit. They are also used in chemical reactions since they are stable. However, one should always wear a dust mask and gloves while handling it, as safe as this desiccant is.

Film Cans- For storing film reels!

Perhaps the most widely used is among plastics, polyethylene. For packaging, it is widely used. Turning into a hard glassy state when cooled after wards as it has thermoplastic qualities, meaning that it can melt when heated. However, to make it become antistatic, flame retardant, or both, there is a kind of plastic film fortified with certain substances. Plastic film cans is used to store film cans. To make it inhibit fire from spreading to its surface and what it protects, there are many materials that may be added to the plastic composition. As flame retardants, organophosphorous compounds are widely used. From carbon and phosphorus bonds, these are organic compounds. Preventing the spread of fire, these compounds produce phosphate compounds.
Produced from friction with plastics, plastics are natural conductors, which is why static electricity. To prevent the film from sticking to shoes, socks, or feet, there are now antistatic agents as additives to plastics, especially film coverings. As antistatic agents to plastics, amines, ammonium salts, and esters of phosphoric acid are used. Whenever there is a paint job to be done, antistatic, flame retardant plastics are useful to cover floors. Sometimes, to cover floors, there is not enough newspaper, and gaps can be left through scrap newspaper at times. For covering floors since it is firm and durable, an antistatic, flame retardant plastic film is perfect. Unlike newspaper, it also does not leave stains on the floor.
For covering carpets, it is also good. It does not cling to the fibers of the carpe because of its antistatic quality. In the unfortunate event of a fire, it can also protect the carpet. When walls need to be painted, it is also good for covering heavy furniture like pianos, grandfather clocks, and antique wardrobes.
From paint, immovable appliances like refrigerators and kitchen ovens can also be protected. With the plastic film, ceramic countertops are also covered. In preparation for a paint job or application of tiles or wallpaper, sinks and bathtubs may also be covered with plastic.
Perhaps the doors and windows are the most important parts of the house that have to be covered. Needing additional treatment just to get them off, paint marks on these are extremely unpleasant to the eye. Around the door, the antistatic, flame retardant plastic film can be wrapped and to keep the paint from getting on them on the window panes and frames. Without the inks and fibers that newspaper leaves behind, the plastic leaves the surfaces clean. Thus all these things like film cans are used for storing film reels. For years together, the film reels stay protected and can be seen again and again.