Friday, March 29, 2013

Keep Your Film Safe so Your Kids and Theirs Can Enjoy it Too

Making a movie or a video of some kind is an extremely painstaking task. Co-ordinating cameras, sets, actors, budgets and a host of other things. Spending a lot of time, working extremely hard and then one day, finally we come to post production. In all that time, you used the film cans that came with the film, the simple ones for normal use. What about storage and what about archiving??
After the movie is screened and applauded and partially forgotten about, what do you do with the film? It is your own sweat and blood, you worked hard on it; you are not just going to toss it away into a pile, you want to store it, in a way that you can access it anytime in the future or anyone for that matter, long after you are gone. You want a proper Filmdose for your film; proper polypropylene archival film cans , so that nothing ever happens to them and your kids can watch it too.
When you are going to store your film in a filmdose , you want to do it properly in a way that it doesn’t damage the film. Because if it does, it will ruin the experience of watching the movie. You don’t want your edges to get blurred or any form of chemical residue on the films. So, your archival film cans should be designed in a way to encourage ventilation and stored in a way to prevent microbial growth or chemical contamination.
So, don’t skimp on these canisters as they are what will keep your film, for which you have worked so hard, in a crisp shape so they can be enjoyed for generations to come.

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