Monday, June 24, 2013

The Protection of the filmstrips by Vented Film

Everybody enjoys a great movie that has a good story line and an excellent picture quality. To develop a good story line is the area dealt with an expert in the field who is known as the writer but the good picture quality can be very well ensured by a film developer who applies various techniques to store the films and protect it from any kind of damage. Boites pour films can be protected by keeping them in the film canisters that are very well ventilated and well spaced. This type of the sensitive films need due care in their storage and one should very frequently check for the acid formation and the general wear and tear. If Boites pour films are stored in a badly shaped film can then there are chances that the content in it will get badly damaged and its coating of a light sensitive material will come out of the original film leading to great loss of the entire content. 

The film leaders are very much attached to the main films and often contain the information of the technical nature such as the numbers relating to the production house, film studio and the aspect ratio in addition to other such crucial information. One can find the various film leaders in two basic types namely the head leader and the foot leader. As the name suggests the former refers to the one that is fixed on a filmâEUR (TM)s head and the latter one is attached at a filmâEUR (TM)s tail. A film leader helps the particular device or the machine to gain the required momentum and come up to the level of the film when the main content of a movie starts. One can also see it as a whistle man at a sports event who alerts the runners to take their respective positions before running at their full speeds. There are two different varieties of head film leaders named as SMPTE 301 and SMPTE universal leader.

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